Yogurt Success!

Thank you, Candy for your recipe!! I made yogurt for the first time today. I was going to do it earlier this week, but when I looked at the recipe, I didn't realize the 5.5 hours between start to towel. So, I got my ducks in a row yesterday and voila! Yogurt! It smells SO good. It needs to cool yet, so I'll eat some this afternoon.

Also, I do have Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready and The Well Trained Mind. Great books! I'm so eager to homeschool! There's so much I want to teach my son, especially our rich local history.

Well, it's time to go start my day. Laundry today, and since it's a nice day, I'll take my son up to the farm.


Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you enjoyed making the yogurt! You're very welcome. Isn't it fun? ;-)

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