Curtain dilema possible solved

Many ladies posted suggestions on the Beautiful Womanhood message board. The general vote is for muslin curtains slightly embellished. I thought of this myself, and I also thought of inside shutters that simply sit on the window sill.

Today, I went over to my soon to be new house and checked out the bathroom more closely. The window doesn't have a sill (I'm not going to mount shutters) and the bathroom really is quite narrow and small, therefore I don't want clutter. Curtains sometimes make a room look smaller and more cluttered to me, so I think I'm going to settle for white shades for now and maybe and embellished muslin valance.

Oh, how small that bathroom is!


Anonymous said…
Hi Ladyscott,

Here is the url of for a scalloped shade/curtain that I found on froogle. You might like the look of it for you bathroom.


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