Hermit Christians

It upsets, and I dare say, angers me that Christians get into this Hermit-Habit. We go to our familiar church, sit in our familiar pews (and get a bent nose if some new face invades our church or worse, our pew), go home to our familiar houses and forget about everyone else around us.

When my father was forced into retirement after an on-the-job injury that wasn't his fault (he was safely parked and someone hit him), raising a family of 7 was very difficult. When he ended up in the hospital, a call was put out to provide meals for our family since dad was in the hospital and mom was with him (my brothers were old enough to watch the littles.) A local restaurant owner provided us with pizza every Saturday night for free. Otherwise, the only other person to step foward sent us a dish of baked beans. That was it!

The reasoning? "I have my own family to take care of." "We're worse off than they are!" "I can't be bothered, I'm too busy." "I don't know them very well." Etc, etc etc.

I think it's horrible that we can't bake a casserole for the widow down the road. Or help clean house for the new mom in the church. Or send a little note to the new family attending the church.

I think it's downright sickening that the church will pray for someone having hardship, but don't bother to help that person otherwise. We may pray for God to answer their prayers or help them out, but forget, WE may be their answer. A church that practices tithing and runs their finances Biblically should have enough money to give a financially burdened family something to help them along.

When my cousin lost her husband, money would anonymously appear in her mailbox. Or church members would shake her hand and leave a $20.00 in her palm.

For some Christians, it's just the cares of the world and keeping up with the rat race that blinds them to the needs of others. For other Christians, it's the business of running a cookie-cutter "Biblical" household that leaves no room for helping others. For still others, it's a complete lack of faith coupled with selfishness, "I can't make them a casserole. I only bought enough for this week for my family." It's the same mentality of those who donate old cans of saurkraut to the local food drive, but keep the Campbells Supper Bakes for themselves.

I urge every one of my readers to stop being hermit Christians before the end of the month, help someone out! Can't think of anyone? Ask your pastor if anyone in the church could use a hand. If no one's really in need that you know of, do something for a charity! Buy a bag of groceries for a local food pantry. Donate for Thanksgiving to a homeless shelter. Drop off a bag of dog food and treats to an animal shelter, or a bag of feed to someone who fosters animals. Drop off a bag of groceries to a local foster family. Send a cheerful, oversized card to a children's ward in the hospital or to a nursing home. Buy a coat for a child who needs one. Donate your gently used baby clothes to a Birthright or unwed mother's home. Drop off a box of diapers while you're at it. If you really can afford it, pay to have the heating tank filled for someone who can't afford it.

Do SOMETHING! Christians should be helping others.


Anonymous said…
Well said!!!
Lynda said…
Hmmm. You got me to thinking. I am a Hermit Christian. I am still fairly new in my christian walk. I believe myself to be the "younger women" that the Titus 2 refers to. However, this should not keep me from contributing like you say in this article. Thank you for pointing this fact out. I am so preoccupied with trying to learn how to be a help meet to my husband, turning a new leaf over with my children, and learning to be a good homemaker has kept me from giving back and supporting other women in my area. Thank you for posting this. I will look for ways for me to contribute to others!
Dawn said…
Wow...good article! I think I might have to link it to my blog so others can read it. :)

Thankfully I don't think anyone at my church is a hermit Christian. We are a small bunch and always help and encourage each other when needed.

You know, I remember when I was small doing the canned food drive in school. I remember children bringing in cans of beets or whatever and I was like "eww". I mean, if we won't eat it, what makes them think someon else would eat it?
That can also go with toys for Christmas. My husband grew up poor and would always get a toy from Toys for Tots or another agency. He said every year he always got a cheap plastic tpy that broke that same day. He was grateful for the toy but he says people could spend a little more than $1 for toys for the less fortunate, especailly when people can buy their own children a Wii or XBOX, surely they can afford a little something more for the less fortunate folks.
He enjoys buying Transformers for children in need. Oh his face lights up when he puts them in the cart and he says he can picture the little boys face on Christmas opening that package and seeing Optimus Prime or something like that. :)

This year for Thanksgiving we are going to sponsor a single soldier or two for dinner (we are in the Army and the dining facility is closed on holidays here). I can't wait! Maybe if they would like, they can help us trim our tree and what not.

Again, good article...I am going to send a link for it on my blog.

God Bless,
Patty said…
Wonderful post and so true, and more true as we become more connected to people more by cyberspace than in person. We grow so comfortable in doing things when we want under the conditions we want, all when it suits us. The book, Bowling Alone really hits on this subject
That is an excellent post! It happens way to often I am afraid. My hubby and I don't have much but we do what we can when someone needs something. Shouldn't we as Christians do more than just pray and hope someone else will step up to the plate? Prayer is wonderful but there is more to it!
PlainCatholic said…
Tis so very true; as Plain Catholics we are careful to balance prayer, family and volunteering. Excesses in any endeavor causes problems and lapses in the rest of our lives.

Balance is always key. We do enjoy volunteering; tis faith in action and an opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to others.

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