"Finding Neverland" A review

I am departing from my normal shpeals on my cottage and am reviewing the movie "Finding Neverland."

Overall: Good movie. I don't recall swearing, there is no s*x (Barrie kisses his wife and not even on the lips once), and no violence. The acting was great, the costumes lovely, and the scenery breath-taking. The movie was interesting, especially if you like the story of Peter Pan and are interested in it's conception. It is a compelling movie, but I wouldn't call it entertaining. It keeps your interest. The movie is a sad movie. However, I may add it to my DVD collection if it goes on sale at Walmart. Johnny Depp played a Barrie wonderfully and the children were excellent actors.

Questionable material from a Christian stand-point:
1. Barrie's marriage breaks down throughout the film.
2. Neverland seems to be a replacement for Heaven.
3. There is a Victorianized conversation between Barrie and his friend that people suspect Barrie of using the boys wrongly for self-pleasure. (In real life, Barrie was NOT such a man, nor is he portrayed as such in the film)
4. Barrie and his wife confront and it comes to light that his wife left him and is with another man. (However, this is not a major focus of the film)
5. Barrie is married and spends loads of time with Sylvia and the boys, even inviting them to his cottage. In the film, he never even touches Sylvia except to help her while she's ill. He is rarely alone with her, and when he is, it's to talk of her illness out of earshot of the children.

Elements that may bother children:
1. This is a very emotional movie.
2. There are a few scenes of fantasy that seem a little nightmarish, particularly if your child is fearful of clowns or pirates.
3. There is a death and grave yard scene
4. The oldest Davies boy is dropped while "flying" via a rope and pulley and breaks his arm (no blood).

Although, it is only rated PG, I wouldn't let a young child watch it because it is very emotional. There are a few breaks of comedy. I'd say rent or borrow it first before you decide to add it to your library. I liked it.

For a more in-depth Christian review, go to www.christiananswers.com and type in "Finding Neverland."


Thanks for the review. I think I'll add it to my Netflix queue.

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