Insomnia and electric bill
No, the two aren't related. I'm not up at 3 am because of the electric bill. I'm up at 3 am because I'm going some place special this weekend and I'm really excited about it! I still have a bit of preparing to do, so that's probably why I'm wide awake, which is just silly because I can't do this preparing while the rest of the household is asleep. I need to borrow my brother's printer and computer. I need to run down into the basement and root through boxes. I need to pack up a few things, but my sacks are in the bedroom where hubby peacefully rests. About all I can do is shower. I also have a sore knee and a bit of pregnancy RLS that's keeping me up. And I was hungry. My tummy kept growling. So, once again, here I am early in the morning. We got our electric bill in the other day. It's $.85 over budget. Over all, it's almost $20.00 higher than last month. Part of it is they jacked up the price of electricity use. The other ...