
Showing posts from January, 2006

Insomnia and electric bill

No, the two aren't related. I'm not up at 3 am because of the electric bill. I'm up at 3 am because I'm going some place special this weekend and I'm really excited about it! I still have a bit of preparing to do, so that's probably why I'm wide awake, which is just silly because I can't do this preparing while the rest of the household is asleep. I need to borrow my brother's printer and computer. I need to run down into the basement and root through boxes. I need to pack up a few things, but my sacks are in the bedroom where hubby peacefully rests. About all I can do is shower. I also have a sore knee and a bit of pregnancy RLS that's keeping me up. And I was hungry. My tummy kept growling. So, once again, here I am early in the morning. We got our electric bill in the other day. It's $.85 over budget. Over all, it's almost $20.00 higher than last month. Part of it is they jacked up the price of electricity use. The other ...

Below the kitchen sink...

That icky place below the kitchen sink needs some attention now. I did have it on my schedule today, but spent the morning grocery shopping and errand-running, and the afternoon I spent working on our taxes. What I want to do is prep below the sink for when my son is born. Right now the cabinet houses loads of household chemicals. I'm going to move those to a shelf in the basement, and when they're used up, I'll be replacing them with homemade, all natural, environmentally sound cleaners. Under the sink also houses my garbage pail. That'll probably remain. *Side note* I prefer a small waste basket as opposed to a large kitchen garbage pail. The little waste basket is lined with a plastic grocery bag. When it is full (about every 2 days), I tie up the grocery bag and place it in the garbage bag lined garbage pail outside. This keeps odors down in the house. I recycle tins and plastics, burn cardboard (our garbage pick-up will not take cardboard for recycling)...

Next on the agenda....

Getting hubby's lunch and coffee ready the night before..... Right now, I get up before hubby and make his coffee and lunch for his long day at work. However, I trying to train myself to get it all made and ready to go the night before. After baby comes, who knows if I'll be able to make his lunch on the dot every morning. I might be nursing, or changing a diaper, or cleaning up after a diaper explosion, or finally getting some shut-eye after a night up with a colicy baby. Thus, I need to be prepared, and the best way to prepare is to have "fire drills" before hand. That is, to actually do the task repeatedly before it NEEDS to be done. :) Ok, ok, I can just hear some readers now...."Why can't your hubby take up the time to make his lunch and coffee?" Believe me, there are many reasons, and not one of them is because he's lazy. It's because he works VERY hard! As hard as a newborn baby is, my hubby still works harder! Believe me. After ...

I did it...

I rearranged a portion of the living room. Don't worry, I'm ok. :) I strapped on my belly band and took it very carefully. The heaviest thing I had to lift was the computer heavier than a toddler. Baby's ok. He's kicking and rolling around as I type. :) Anyhoo, I like this set-up better. I moved a bookcase into the dining room, which is rather sparce on furniture, so much so, it echoes. In it's place, I put the computer armoire. I like this better because it's not so "in your face" when you walk into the room. I like airiness and space. Where the computer was, I moved the cherry wood cabinet. Where the cabinet was next to the sofa, I placed the backgammon table that looked so out of place in the dining room. Much better!! I even had time to get some sewing in! Well, I'm off to drown my heartburn in some mylanta....

My Living Room

For some reason, my living room is not a place of comfort and relaxation for me. Today, I'm trying to remedy that. I'm going through my book cases and reorganzing and decluttering. I want to find a place for those magazine piles too and a place for the board games. What I REALLY want to do is buy new curtains, a new entertainment armoire, a new rug, and rearrange the whole room! Lack of funds and a strict order not to lift or move heavy things prevent me from doing those things. I guess I'll have to be patient. It's just another fun challenge....redoing a room with the things I already have! ladyscott

How I Keep and Organized Budget

First, I grab a budget book, a sheet of paper, a box of envelopes, hubby's pay stub, a pen and a marker (and a calculator if you need one). Then, I list out on the sheet of paper all the bills and expenses we have. I list them in a column like this: Hubby's Allowance Mortgage Groceries Car Loan etc, etc, etc....... Next, I figure out two things: 1. When they need to be paid by 2. How much we pay on them. Ex: Mortgage: first of the month, $700.00 After I finish that, I rewrite the column of expenses (without the dates and how much money). And then I divide each amount by 4. This is how much I set aside each week, so that by the time it comes to pay for it each month, I have the total all saved up already. For example: Morgage: $175.00 I then check each amount to make sure it's UNDER what hubby brings home every week. I make adjustments where adjustments can be made (groceries, saving account, home repairs etc). After that, I take one envelope per expense and write the...

Beating Blues and Blahs

Lately, I've been having a case of the blues....or perhaps the blahs. I haven't quite pinpointed it yet. What's the difference, you ask? The blues are when you're a bit depressed. The blahs are just when you're having a lazy, don't-feel-like-doing-anything day, or an I'm-not-feeling-100%-for-no-real-reason day. Either way, they pretty much amount to the same thing. Poorer health and a wasted day. I may have a case of winter-time blues and I know I definately have the blahs. I'm not sick, I'm just feeling pregnant. Usually, I'd try to ride it out, but I know this time it's just going to continue. It's not like I'm in the first trimester looking forward to my second trimester where I feel a LOT better. I'm heading into the home stretch now, and every day seems to be becoming more and more of a challenge. I've realized that the best way to combat this is to take care of myself. That's easier said than done, so I made...

Dinner out

I love eating out! Today, hubby treated his parents and me to dinner at our favorite restaurant. I was concerned all day because of this heartburn. I usually order the veal parm, but heartburn dictates it's a big NO-NO. I managed well, though. :) I ordered the baked haddock. It was delicious! I got scalloped potatoes with it, a salad, a roll, and corn off the cob. I didn't finish my plate and my father-in-law teased me that I couldn't order dessert unless I finished the plate. I told him it was a pregnant woman's perogative. :b He was full, but I teased him back saying that he couldn't let me eat dessert alone. We both ended up ordering a slice a cheesecake. It was to die for!! And the best part? No heartburn! All that food and no heartburn. I even had ginger ale (carbonated drinks can aggrivate heartburn), but I asked the waitress to water it down for me. ladyscott

Heartburn!! Insomnia!

I'm getting really tired of this chronic pregnancy heartburn! No more bacon, no more spaghetti sauce or pizza, no more grilled cheese sandwiches. Even if I brown meat, drain it and add it to a casserole, I get heartburn from it. Carbs and steamed or raw veggies and lower-acid fruits are about the only things left for me to eat. To keep my protein up, I eat small amounts of fish okayed by my doctor, chicken, eggs (not fried) and yogurt. Otherwise, I'm hitting the Maylox bottle two to three times a day! least I'll eat healthier. I think it's wise to keep an eye on what I eat and to be careful AND creative. The other night, I had whole wheat couscous with steamed carrots, broccoli and corn. It was good and filling! (The men got pork chops and french fries). And I didn't get heartburn. I made the mistake of eating some bacon today....just a little! But it was enough to set off heartburn. I think playing with my dog and bending over a lot ...

Decluttered/Organized Thoughts

Do you ever find yourself unable the hear yourself think? Is your mind so jam-packed that you can't get your thoughts in order? Thoughts? What are those? I'm too busy! Do you ever find you can't seem to get things done because you don't know where to start? Where do we start when trying to prioritize our thoughts and organize our day in our minds? We start with a prayer and this verse: Proverbs 16:3 "Commit they works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." Pray for the Lord to take all your day's works into His hands. Commit them to Him. He will declutter and organize your you think more clearly as to what needs to get done when and how to do it. We may not realize it at first, but when we look back on our day as we lay in bed, we see that the day was less stressful than it could have been, and the more things got done! Are you worried that you're wasting precious time each day? Commit your works to the Lord, and...

My doggy

Yesterday was my dog's birthday. Well, not really....we don't know exactly when she was born, but yesterday was the anniversary of when we got her from the SPCA, so we just call it her birthday. She's approx. 5 years old and VERY healthy. We celebrated by video taping her opening her presents. She got a nyla bone, tennis balls (her favorite brand is Wilson Titanium) and a new doggy sweater. Then we feasted on carrot cake (without raisins since raisins can harm a dog). She's so much like a child! When she opened her sweater, she ignored it and went back to her new toys. It was almost as if she was saying, "Ewwww....clothes!" What kid wants clothes for his birthday? Then, she was really hyper and mischievous after the party, like a child can get after all that excitment! Today, she is asleep at my feet while I type this. She's resting peacefully and snoring slightly under her "Linus" (her favorite blue blanket). Such a good dog! I...


2 names you go by: 1. Kate 2. Bug 2 parts of your heritage: 1. pierogis 2. sword fighting (just not now 'cause I'm preggy) 2 things that scare you: 1. how fast the world is changing 2. Dying before hubby 2 of your everyday essentials: 1. cold cereal 2. hot shower 2 things you are wearing right now: 1. Yoga pants 2. bathrobe 2 favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment): 1. Loreena McKennitt 2. Randy Travis (Those are the two Cd's I listened to most recently at least) 2 favorite songs at the moment: 1. Blessed Assurance 2. Honkey Tonk Ba Donkey Donk is stuck in my head..... 2 truths: 1. It's REALLY cold out 2. My back aches 2 of your favorite hobbies: 1. singing 2. cooking 2 things you want really badly: 1. To get out of debt 2. To hold my son in my arms 2 places you want to go on vacation: 1. Nova Scotia 2. Colorado 2 things you want to do before you die: 1. Get out of debt 2. Raise a family 2 things you are thinking about now: 1. How I could go for a cookie right...

Going and Growing

As my 3rd trimester approaches, I'm returning to first trimester feelings....a bit of nausea and exhaustion. I get sooooo sleepy now! Thankfully, both aren't as strong as they were in the first trimester, and I can usually work through them, so long as I eat carefully and take time to rest with my feet up. I'm realizing once again that pregnancy is hard work and I can't do everything like I used to. Even getting up out of bed or off the couch is harder and takes longer than it did pre-pregnancy. Even putting on my socks in the morning takes an added effort. So, I understand that I need to rest and take things one at a time. This requires a schedule as well as flexibility....what a combo, like a big oxy-moron! Time management is key and so is not getting discouraged. I just keep going and growing. Soon, I'll have my baby boy in my arms, and time will be even more constrained! Please don't think I'm complaining or over-analysing. I actually find thi...

Better Half

I've had a couple of commenters ask about my hubby. Perhaps you too are wondering why there isn't much posted on my blog about my husband. That's a simple thing to answer. Hubby has spoken to me before about divulging his information. It's for him to divulge, not me. I respect that and love him for it and am thankful for his loving reproof. This blog is about my thoughts and my housekeeping. It's about our little cottage on the hill. It's a glimpse into the life of a semi-anonymous Christian housewife blogger. It's not a fly-on-the-wall look at our personal life. Therefore, I'm very careful about what I post on this blog concerning my husband. I will say that there is very little for me to complain about, not that I would or should anyway. I have a very wonderful husband and I am in a very happy marriage. God has blessed us! I attend an Assembly of God church, but it's not your typical AGchurch. It's much more old-fashioned, tradit...

Forgetting it's January

The snow is melting, the sun is out and it's 50 degrees here! I'm ready to start seeds and spring cleaning. But there's one thing I'm forgetting. It's still only January. This is fluke weather. I keep trying to remind myself that there's 3 more months of winter left! Snow, ice, cold, wind, heating bills.....spring is not here yet. I'm very thankful for this warm weather. It's certainly saved on heating bills! However, they're already saying expect snow and bitter cold by next week. It's January after all.

Learning that it's ok

I still feel guilty when I need to take a pregnancy day. That is a day when my body just crashes and I need to sleep and relax. So, I am teaching and training myself not to feel guilty. It is better for me and my baby to give in to these days (they usually come once or twice a week) and just relax. Sometimes I need to soak in a hot shower. Sometimes I need to sleep an extra 5 hours. It's very important that I give in because if I don't and push myself, I end up in worse shape. When I give in, I usually sleep better at night, and am able to be much more active the next few days. Stay-at-home wives in days gone by were encouraged to rest and relax during their pregnancies. I remember watching movies and shows from the 40's and 50's. When a woman announced her pregnancy, she was immediately asked to sit down and was catered to. Now, I don't expect to be catered to like the Queen of Sheba, but please let me sit down! Today's woman, today's super-woman...

Why we'd like to homeschool

I decided to edit this post because late last night, I was convicted that my previous post on homeschooling was too clamorous. I've been studying Proverbs and came across two verses that apply here: Chapter 9 Verse 13 states that a foolish woman is clamorous, while Chapter 11 Verse 16 states that a gracious woman retains honor. I want to be a gracious woman, so I was convicted last night to edit my clamorous post against public education and replace it with a gracious post answering questions I've received positively concerning homeschooling. 1. Why are you looking into homeschooling? Hubby and I are both products of the public school system and we both feel that there is a lot lacking there. We feel the education children receive there is not the best we can give our children. We feel good teachers in the public school system often have their hands tied, and bad teachers are hard to get rid of. Also, more and more, the public school system is becoming flawed. Stude...

Sir Chas. Stallion Esq. and the early morning visit

At 2:30 am this morning, I felt stiff. One quick, full-body stretch and I felt it. *ping* I brace myself. I get a visit from Sir Chas. Stallion Esq. In other words, CHARLIE HORSE!! My right calf muscle feels like it's being ripped out. Do I panic? No. I use this as an opportunity to practice my breathing and relaxation techniques to get through pain (particularly labor). It subsides. I breathe a sigh of relief and nurse my leg while trying to go back to sleep. Then, Sir Chas. decides to do a repeat performance! I sit bolt upright in bed, renew my breathing and try to remain calm and not scream out in anger more than pain. I spend the rest of the night mostly awake, trying to get the heating pad to work it's magic on my muscle, and concentrating on not moving my leg in a way that'll trigger another Charlie Horse. This morning, I roll out of bed only to find I can't walk on my right leg. The muscle is so weakened and stiff, it's practically useless. So...

Decluttering: Where to Start?

Clutter can become overwhelming fast. Clutter can alter your mood and the mood of your household. Clutter can make a clean house seem dirty. Clutter can cause anxiety. All this and it's hard to know where to begin in the decluttering process. I suggest starting with the master bedroom. That should be the first room you declutter. Why is that? Isn't that the room guests are least likely to see? Can't I just shut the door and ignore the clutter the rest of the day? Decluttering your master bedroom should be first on your list because your bedroom is where you get your rest. Clutter causes anxiety. Clutter alters your mood. Clutter can keep you from sleeping soundly. Also, especially if you're married, the master bedroom is a sanctuary for you and hubby. The master bedroom is a special place. You should treat it as one. It should NOT be a storage space, a catch-all, or an untidy mess. It should be relaxing; a place where you can breathe a sigh of relief. A...

Garage door openers, deer, my bathroom

Now there's a subject line! Hubby spent most of yesterday working on installing a garage door opener. It was supposed to be a quick project, but as all quick projects tend to do, it became one trial after another. After 5pm, he pressed the button and up the door went. He pressed it again, and down it went. Huzzah to my handy-man hubby!! Now, he's going to buy one for my bay of the garage! I feel so aristocratic! Deer, deer everywhere! Yesterday evening, hubby and I enjoyed the deer coming up the hill and out of the woods to feed in the fields next door. I love deer. They're such beautiful animals. Yes, hubby's a hunter and I encourage him to hunt. We both enjoy venison, so we hunt for meat only and only what we need. Other than that, we love to watch deer. At 2:30 am, hubby and I were both awake. Hubby needed a drink, and I just couldn't get comfy. He told me about the "combines" in the field. What?! I looked out the bedroom window, and th...

The Bible's Desperate Housewife

I've been doing a chapter by chapter study of Proverbs since the first of the year. Hence, I'm on chapter 7 today. Before I read the chapters, I pray to God that I'll have a new understanding of these verses and that He will reveal to me verses that I need. In turn, I write them and write about them in a notebook. Chapter 7 in Proverbs is about the Wiles of a Harlot, but after reading the verses, a subtitle of "The Bible's Desperate Housewife" works. In this chapter, a foolish young man finds himself confronted with a woman. Verse 10 "And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot." *Note the Bible does say she IS a harlot. It says she's attired like a harlot. We think of a harlot as a professional prostitute at the most or a smutty girl at the least. But this woman had the attire of a harlot. Do we dress in a similar manner to harlots? Verse 11 "She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house." *This ver...

A Business Venture

Hmmmm.....maybe I should open my business up to mail-in customers. I figured I would anyway because re-enactors who need mending done often live too far away for me to meet them. But would this work with regular customers? I think it could, depending on the customer. If I received garments with a note describing what needs to be done, and hems pre-pinned I could do it. What do you think? ladyscott


I am so glad to be home! Every day I am able to accomplish more and more! Today I thought, "Wow, tomorrow is Friday already." I immediately started to stress until I realized, I don't have to drive 15 miles to work! I'm free to be home and get more stuff done! I'm free to set the house up for hubby's ultimate comfort when he comes home from toiling all day in bleak January weather. I'm free!! Who says being a housewife is bondage and slavery!? I'm actually reading the Bible and praying more. I've picked up my harp. I can get laundry done in half a day. I'm planning and making meals again. I'm becoming super organized. I'm sleeping better and I'm not in as much pain. My eyes aren't so sunken in from stress. My dog is behaving better. I'm eating balanced meals and drinking enough fluids. My house is clean. I'm getting sewing done. What a blessing! ladyscott

Home Management Binder and Home Business

My home management binder is slowly coming together. I'd rather it be slow because I want it to come together right, and not be filled with stuff I don't need or use. I'm using Candy's binder as a basis, but I'm changing quite a bit right now. For example, rather than a master schedule, I've printed out a calendar month by month. In it, I'm writing which major chores I've done for that day. For example, yesterday I wrote that I went grocery shopping, and that I cleaned the entire fish tank filter and fed the tank and anti-nitrate to help get rid of algae. I'm going to make out another calendar that's going to be for menus. This way I can keep track of what I made when. I'd also like to include what I bought for groceries each week. I also plan to keep a record of new purchases made during the year (ie: yesterday I bought a new clock radio for the bedroom), a household budget and a household in...

Groceries on a prayer

Lady of Virtue at has a post up now about how she feeds 12 people 3 square meals a day. What an awesome post! I can't imagine cooking for that many people! I mean, most of us don't even have dinner parties that big! :) She writes how she can do this and do it affordably thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. I had to smile because I make it a practice to pray before I grocery shop. I've taken to tithing with the grocery money hubby provides, and I pray thanks to the Lord for his provisions and that I use the money wisely and get what I need for the week with it. I did this just yesterday and not only did I get what I needed for the week, but God provided me with enough left over for a treat for hubby, deli lunch meat! I was also able to get a package of strawberries! What a blessing! Sometimes, when I'm in the grocery store, I see others pushing around carts full of goodies. They have name brands, snacks and soda, or expensive cuts of...

Odd place to remember blessings....

Soap and shampoo.... I was in the shower last night and looked up at the many bottles of shampoo, the bottle of bodywash, and hubby's bar of Irish Spring Soap and I realized just how blessed I am! I could have laughed out loud! Many people see hubby and I as lacking, perhaps even borderline poor. After all, we don't subscribe to TV and we have a strict budget. People often offer us stuff, or say they'll give us a deal, or ask if we need any help. People even think that we'd be "better off" if I got a job too. What they don't see are the overwhelming blessings we have and the overwhelming blessings we receive!! If we're so poor, then how come I have 3 different shampoos to choose from when I wash my hair. But I must be poor because I don't get my hair colored and styled. If we're so poor, then how come I have bodywash instead of an inexpensive bar of soap. But I must be poor because it's the generic brand, not the name brand. And go...

Happy New Year!

Now let's see how many times I write "2005" instead of "2006!" :) Do you see New Year as a new beginning? How about a new season? A new week? A new day? I do. A chance to start again. I'm so glad New Year starts on a Sunday this year. Although the snow falling now will probably prevent me from going to church, I do plan on a new beginning this year in my relationship with my Savior. I've been so lax and it isn't right. I don't mean a resolution. That's just a goal on a piece of paper pretty much meant to be broken. I mean a heart change, a new mind-set. A new day, a new week, a new year, a new life growing inside me, and a renewed relationship with my Savior and King! This IS a Happy New Year! ladyscott

World of Insomnia

It's 3am. Do you know where your pregnant lady is? It's funny that now I need a nighttime feeding. At 2am, I was ready for a small meal. It's been that way with my insomnia lately. The need to use the bathroom and hunger pangs wake me up. My brain keeps me up. Since I can't sleep, I'm being productive. I'm working on my home management binder and I'm typing out recipes that I've collected on loose leaf paper. I'm making recipe cards to be organized in my recipe card organizer. What a concept! ;) I do a lot of computer stuff because our house is so small that I can't make a lot of noise, or it'll wake hubby. My mom's been suffering from insomnia, too, but she uses the time to clean house. Besides, I prefer to sit still and calm in hopes of returning to sleep shortly. The only problem is I wonder if I'm contributing to my insomnia by being so productive. Before I went to bed last night, I actually hoped and planned for insomn...