Thinking ahead....

I have two lists started in my mind that I will soon put down on paper.

Firstly, I am putting together a list of things to stock up on for the winter months. I want to avoid stores as much as possible. Last year it seemed every time I went shopping, the kids would get sick and then I would. We're facing a lot of odd viruses and diseases this coming winter and we've been sick enough this year. I'm making full use of my pantry and hoping to get my freezer hooked up. I'm looking forward to hermiting.

Secondly, I started thinking about things I could make for Christmas.


shadesofblue said…
what is it that ya'll keeping catching? Just curious to watch out for my kiddos. i will keep ya'll in my prayers. god bless you!!!!!!
Kate said…
My kiddos just have on/off allergies...except my daughter caught one of those typical childhood viral infections that last just a few days. I just keep getting colds that either turn into bronchitis or a sinus infection and the doctor is determining why my immune system is shot. He says I'm way too stressed out.
shadesofblue said…
my immune system is pretty shot too. i have i.b.s and horrible panic attacks. my docs say i'm way to stressed. but my question is "about what"!? i get to stay home with my children and have time for dh. i don't live the typical worldly stressed out life. i'm stumped. again you and your sweet family are in my prayers.
Kate said…
I discovered that I get anxiety attacks from too much sugar in my diet, and I don't eat a lot of sugar...however it only takes a little. My stress comes from
expectations I heap on myself that I don't need to.
shadesofblue said…
I'll keep the sugar thing in mind. Thanks for the input.

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