Preparing for Next School Year
It is never to early in the year to prepare for the next in regards to homeschooling, at least for this beginner. I also live in a State that has stricter rules and requires more from parents. I'd like to have all my i's dotted and t's crossed.
I love the Answers in Genesis curriculum I'm using for my 5 year old. I LOVE it. It makes me wish they'd continue with more full on curricula for every grade. It seems as if they lean towards Alpha Omega, though I could be wrong, for continuing home education.
I looked up Alpha Omega and it didn't feel right.
A Beka is probably the most popular curriculum in the local homeschooling community. Having the local support (and access to cheap, used curricula) is a plus, but it doesn't settle with me, either. I have been able to look through the K5 phonics, reading and writing teacher's manual, and it makes my head spin. Not the academics, mind you, just the way it is set up and presented.
Vertias Press is appealing to me ego. Yeah. Supreme Classical Education!! Yet, I have a child who is not a classically minded learner. I think I'd have to redo kindergarten for him. I think their 1st grade would be too much. I may be wrong, though, so it is on the list.
Sonlight has always felt good to me. For some reason, when I look at the Sonlight curriculum, I feel like it is best suited for my son and I. It is also terribly expensive, but I think I can whittle down the expense.
I'll be honest. I'd really hate to bounce from curriculum to curriculum. I'd like to stick with one and go, so for me it is intimidating to just choose. The other option is to custom build a curriculum. I'd rather have it all laid out for me, mostly because I want to make sure I cover all the bases.
I'd be eager to read your opinions, suggestions, and stories about what your homeschool curriculum is.
My niece used Heart of Dakota starting in 5K. She loves it.
Also, I think the reading list for VP is a couple of grades ahead for most kids. I just pick and choose which books I want them to read themselves and some I read aloud.
I have used Abeka Phonics to teach three to read and I am just starting on my fourth. It really is a good solid program. You might want to look into Rod and Staff. They have great workbooks, with no frills, for great prices.
For 1st next year, I'm debating starting the four year history cycle or doing a one-year world history over view then cycling back for a more intensive US/NY history year to meet the state requirement then starting the four year cycle when DS1 is in third and DS2 is in 1 and DS3 is pre-k and listening in.
You might like visiting the Well-Trained Mind forums for ideas. Wealth of knowledge over there!