New for the New Year
As always, I am looking forward to the turn of the New Year. I love the fresh start and hope to dedicate January to clean slating! I've already begun the clean and purge. There is just something about increased sunshine, cooped up winter days, the putting away of Christmas decorations, and this year the nesting instincts that has me geared up to really get a good grip on the house this year. We will be in this little cottage for at least another year. Having that clear answer from hubby, and his ideas for home improvements (more new windows!) has me excited! January 18th, I find out the gender of the baby! After hearing the heartbeat at my last appointment, I think I may be having another boy. The rate was 148 beats per minute. My boys tend to range lower, usually in the 150's. My daughter was in the 160's. Regardless which gender is floating around in me, once I know, I can purge the basement of at least half the baby stuff we've accumulated over the years. A...