Oils for Teeth

This weekend I woke up to a toothache. In between two of my bottom right molars it hurts. I'm not sure if it is a cavity in one of the molars, or the gums are infected. Until a see a dentist, I'm trying some at home remedies.

The first thing I did was begin oil pulling. Using extra virgin olive oil, I swish and pull it through my teeth. After just one session, the pain went from sharp to a dull ache. I am continuing to oil pull 2-3 times a day.

I'm also making sure I don't eat on that side of my mouth. I'm brushing, flossing, mouthwashing, and hydrogen peroxiding at least twice a day.

So far, the pain is gone unless I touch that area. Pressing on the teeth is just a tiny bit uncomfortable, but when I floss between, it hurts. So I'm stumped. Is it my gums, or an in between the molars, gum line cavity? I guess only the dentist would know.

I am also planning on starting a course of x-factor butter oil and fermented cod liver oil. The Healthy Home Economist was able to heal her son's cavity this way. Hopefully that'll do the trick.

Any other suggestions?


Always Learning said…
I have horrible teeth like my parents and my children inherited my bad teeth. I read about this protocol that helps heal cavities and prevents them and it works!!! I love it and tell everyone about it. Here is my blog post about it if you are interested ~



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