Oils for Teeth
The first thing I did was begin oil pulling. Using extra virgin olive oil, I swish and pull it through my teeth. After just one session, the pain went from sharp to a dull ache. I am continuing to oil pull 2-3 times a day.
I'm also making sure I don't eat on that side of my mouth. I'm brushing, flossing, mouthwashing, and hydrogen peroxiding at least twice a day.
So far, the pain is gone unless I touch that area. Pressing on the teeth is just a tiny bit uncomfortable, but when I floss between, it hurts. So I'm stumped. Is it my gums, or an in between the molars, gum line cavity? I guess only the dentist would know.
I am also planning on starting a course of x-factor butter oil and fermented cod liver oil. The Healthy Home Economist was able to heal her son's cavity this way. Hopefully that'll do the trick.
Any other suggestions?