Compassionate Bubby

While sometimes I think Bubby's theme song is "My Way," that doesn't seem to detract from his natural compassion.

Yesterday, I was having a rather emotional preggy day. I was bawling over something fairly small most the day. During one particular sobbing moment at the breakfast table, Bubby climbed up onto the table, took both my hands in his, looked me in the eyes and said, "No cry" in the sweetest voice.

Today, I crashed out on the floor and Bubby tucked me in with his blankets.

It's funny how he can be so tender, but then turn around and body-slam me or bop the dog over the head with his little fist just because the dog is there!

At least with a baby sister in the house soon, I'll be able to help nurture that compassion in him and urge the gentleness and self-control he can sometimes lack. After all, he's all boy, just like I prayed for.


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