Shan and Linda...

Thank you for commenting! I like receiving comments.

Shan, I'm not worried about the budget tightness. I really feel God is allowing this tightness to ensure that I stick to the budget rather than being flippant with it because I know I have "a little extra under the mattress" so to speak. Also, I grew up in a very low-income family. So, as tight as matters are now (they always are after the holidays) I'm still better off than my parents were when I was growing up. I'm used to it and actually kind of thrive in it.

I do have a neighbor who grows a HUGE garden as a hobby and gives away many of the veggies. She's offered to help fill our need. The problem isn't really growing the veggies. I'm pretty sure I can attempt to manage a garden and hubby is willing to help. It's the putting up of the produce that I can't do. It really is just too much time that I won't have.

Linda, I know we Americans would have a blood-spilling rebellion if we paid the gas prices Europeans did. I know here in America, there's education to reduce our use for personal vehicles, but I'd say a hefty portion of Americans HAVE to commute to get to work or to the stores. The nearest grocery store to me is still a bit of a drive. My church is 35 minutes away. Nothing seems close in America. When I was in Scotland, I marveled that we could literally just walk where ever we needed. Believe me, I've already toyed around with the idea of getting a horse and buggy! Still, I can't vouge for the rest of Europe and I'm sure there are rural areas where plenty of driving is needed. Public transportation is also sorely lacking is most of America. Also, I've never figured out why so many Americans feel the need to buy a 7 passenger vehicle when it's just one person who uses it!


Leigh said…
It is so funny (and a blessing) that you mentioned this topic. I get in a place sometimes where I get cranky about being and STAYING on a budget. But then I remember (or someone reminds me - that would be you :) that God is our Provider and that my being frugal and thankful, is what a proper steward does. :)

I need to not only be a better steward, but to be a better steward with a good and thankful attitude!

Take care,
Shan said…
I'm so glad you are not worried, that is just so hard on a person. From what I read on your blog I know that you are already a good steward of the blessings that you have. And how wonderful is that neighbor!

I couldn't agree more about having to drive to nearly everything. We live just far enough away from town that I have to drive my car. I do try to run all my errands on the same day and just stay home the rest of the time.

You might be interested to know that my husband and I used to run a commuter service that picked people up from their homes or the local hotels and took them out to the airport. At first we did very well and had lots of customers, but over the years, more and more people drove to the airport because the airport built more and more parking lots!! We finally sold our business. Talk about needing to re-educate people!

Thinking and praying for you,
Linda said…
*lol* No, you're right! ;)

Especially here in the netherlands.. that's why we all love our bikes so much (except for when it rains of course) hehe....

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