Starting My Home Management Binder

Here's the cover I designed:


Mindy said…
What a beautiful have given me some ideas for my own!!!
May you and yours have a blessed New Years!!
Anonymous said…
I have been enjoying your blog for some time now. I wanted to comment on something you wrote the other day. It was about hoping you don't forget what it feels like to come home and want to be home and excited about it. I have been married for 11 years. We have 2 children ages 7 and 9. I worked for many years. I quit my job last Feb. to homeschool our children and be the full time caretaker for my father who lives with us. He is unable to stay by himself. Even though I have some days when the laundry is piled up or I don't feel good or caring for daddy just seems like more than I can bear, I still remember those "coming home" feelings. Even though every day is not fun filled, you just don't forget what that feels like. I don't think that is anything you have to worry about! Keep writing, I love your blog!

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