1st Grade Curriculum Planning
Veteran Homeschoolers, please advise. If you see anything redundant or wasteful in my list, please let me know!
Here is what I have planned so far:
1. PHONICS: -Phonics Pathways with Word Works, -Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, -Bob Books
2. GRAMMAR: -First English Grammar
3. SPELLING: -Spectrum Spelling Grade 1, -Modern Curriculum Press Spelling Workout
4. HAND WRITING: -Handwriting Without Tears, -Memoria Press Copywork Book 1 + 2, -Copywork for Little Boys
5. LANGUAGE ARTS: -Spectrum Language Arts Grade 1, -First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind, -Writing With Ease
6. MATH: -Saxon Math 1 with K-3 Manipulatives
7. SCIENCE: -Backyard Science, -Answers in Genesis
8. HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES: -Community and Local History, -Reading Ancient History and Stories, -Civics
9. ART/MUSIC: -piano lessons, -Watch Me Draw, -Drawing is Basic
10. BIBLE/CHARACTER: -Reviewing Sunday School Lessons, -Character Lessons, -Proverbs
Here is what I have planned so far:
1. PHONICS: -Phonics Pathways with Word Works, -Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, -Bob Books
2. GRAMMAR: -First English Grammar
3. SPELLING: -Spectrum Spelling Grade 1, -Modern Curriculum Press Spelling Workout
4. HAND WRITING: -Handwriting Without Tears, -Memoria Press Copywork Book 1 + 2, -Copywork for Little Boys
5. LANGUAGE ARTS: -Spectrum Language Arts Grade 1, -First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind, -Writing With Ease
6. MATH: -Saxon Math 1 with K-3 Manipulatives
7. SCIENCE: -Backyard Science, -Answers in Genesis
8. HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES: -Community and Local History, -Reading Ancient History and Stories, -Civics
9. ART/MUSIC: -piano lessons, -Watch Me Draw, -Drawing is Basic
10. BIBLE/CHARACTER: -Reviewing Sunday School Lessons, -Character Lessons, -Proverbs