The Men of My Church

This is exactly what I prayed for when I was a lone teenager sitting in the small congregation of mostly old women of my church; that the Lord would bring Godly MEN into our church. Family men with their families, young men, old men on fire for the Lord. The Lord answered!

While our church is still rather small, we have MEN serving and leading. Gentlemen of all ages.

We had the old bathrooms redone recently. While the church hired out for the extensive work, the finishing touches were done by men of the church who volunteered their time. They approached the ladies of the church and asked us what we would like in the bathroom. One of the men suggested a shelf near the commode for our purses! I'm used to guys being condescending about a woman's purse needs and the extra needs of a lady's room, but these men were loving and respectful and genuinely concerned with our comfort and convenience.

The men of the church made sure the nursery and classrooms (we do have family-integrated services, but we also offer a very "meat-and-potatoes" children's church), very female-dominated areas of the church were in complete repair and ultimate comfort.

When my husband cannot make it to church due to work, the men of the church always step in unasked to lend a hand, whether carrying diaper bags, holding the hands of my children in the parking lot, even buckling them into their carseats for me. And I'm not talking about the middle-aged fathers. While they help, the young men of the church (tweens and teens) always lend a hand opening doors, even carrying the baby carrier for me. No one tells them to. They don't huff and puff and act all bothered by helping. They willingly help, as if they don't give it a second thought. It's just the natural and right thing to do.



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