I finally did it

Or at least I started.

The other day I was removing laundry from the clothes line while my son helped me. I handed him a kitchen towel and asked him to put it in the drawer. He wasn't sure which drawer so I showed him only to once again sigh in discust over the yellowed, 1950's metal drawers.

Yes, my kitchen hasn't been updated since the 1950's. Good thing the retro/vintage look is in vogue again!! The cabinets and drawers are metal, which I don't mind. It's actually neat to be able to pin up anything I want all over the kitchen with cute magnets. The set-up and storage space is decent, too for such a small house. The problem is the once white cabinets have discolored over the years and none of the discoloring matches. The worst are the drawers next to the stove. They were all yellowed in varying shades and splotches and I hated them. Loathed them.

So, we were out of bread, the older kids were in bed and my truck was in the shop, so I announced to hubby that I was stealing his truck (I LOVE his truck) and going to the store to pick up bread. While at the store...yeah, I went to Walmart even though I hate Walmart...I picked up white spray paint. The next day the drawers were cleaned out, removed, cleaned and painted. I removed the stainless steel pulls and cleaned and polished them up, too. Oh, the drawers look so much nicer!!!

They won't be as easy to clean as the original paint job, but in order to replicate that I'd have to remove all the cabinetry and send it in to an auto place to have them sand blasted and repainted. For that price, I could just get new cabinetry. So, for now, spray painting will suit. And it does look good.


Ann Marie said…
it's disgust.please don't homeschool, America's going downhill as it is.
Kate said…

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