My denomination does not observe Lent. This year, though, I feel compelled to. I think it is a fine reminder and time of year to work towards sanctification and remember what Christ did for us. While some objectors may say that we should do this every day of the year, I have to agree with them but the fact is life keeps us pretty occupied and we are only human. Sometimes it is nice to set aside a time, as a church body, to remember and work towards a better Christian walk. No, we are not saved by works, but works are still important. They don't necessarily earn us "brownie points" at the Pearly Gates, but our Christian walk doesn't end with the sinner's prayer. It begins. Lent can be seen as a bit of joke to others. "I'm giving up chocolate for Lent" is the common phrase. For some, perhaps this is a bit of a sacrifice. I'm not going to judge. While I have a limited understand of Lent, I would think "giving something up for Lent...