Keep Your Cool

Ok, all you moms of many young ones, how do you keep your cool when:

Your 4 year old just peed himself because there was a little bit of water on the bathroom floor and he didn't want to go in the bathroom...

While at the same time your 2 year old is feeding cookies to the dog...

And your 2 month old is screaming for breast milk NOW!

Share your trade secrets in comments please.


Stephanie said…
I would send 4 year old in to the bedroom to change his clothes all by himself. Throw the dog outside and then pick up baby and have 2 year old follow me into the bedroom while I sit on the bed and breastfeed baby and talk 4 year old through putting on new clothes if he needs help....then once he got his clothes on we would all move from the bedroom to where ever there was toys (we don't store toys in the bedroom) so they could play while I continue breastfeeding...or I would stay on the bed and have one of them hand me a book that I could read to them while I continue breastfeeding. One thing I never do is allow pets in the house, if my husband is home then he usually lets his 3 favorite cats in but if it's just me and the kids then NO PETS...I find that it always leads to trouble of some sort!
Unknown said…
This is my thoughts on keeping your cool. I am a very imperfect mother, I lack in the patience department horribly but my daughter is almost 20 and has left home, my son turned 18 yesterday and is leaving on September 1st. I would give my eye teeth for a day like the one you described, where at the end I could cuddle with them on the couch and tuck them in at night. People aalways say they don't stay that age for long, no matter what age it to that end on days like you described remember they won't be that age for long, they will be gone all too soon!

Just my humble thoughts :)
Suzanne said…
Well Kate, I don't have too many littles running amuck anymore, my youngest is 6:-) But , I do remember those days, and they still happen, just bigger messes:-) Remember that really it is just no big deal. Take one thing at a time and breathe and pray. Nurse the baby, let the child take his soiled pants off and "air out" a bit and have the 2yo sit with you and comb your hair or look at picture books. My oldest has three children now and I can honestly say--those days speed right by!

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