Birthday Plans, Cleaning, New Desk

Oh, how I love my dear husband! His birthday is just 3 days after our son's, so for the past two years, his birthday has sort of been forgotten. This year, I'd really like to do something special for him. I'll have to really brainstorm.
I've been cleaning the basement out more. I'm really in a cleaning mood. I think part of it is that we've been cooped up in our little cottage for so long and the walls are starting to close in on us. For me, a good cleaning and a bit of decluttering and perhaps some arranging really opens the space up.
For fun, I went on my local craigslist last night and found a beautiful cherry desk for only $65.00! I hope the gentleman still has it available because if he does, it's going in my livingroom! My current desk is way too small for it's purpose and is often bursting it's joints. Besides, I'm going to turn my little desk into a portable kitchen for re-enactments!


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