Decluttering Hampered/Christmas Cards

All I want to do is declutter! That seems like all I've been doing. I tackled the refrigerator today.

However, my decluttering efforts have been hampered. People are just too generous! :) They keep giving me stuff. I just received 4 garbage bags of clothing from my little sister! I kept some of it, but the rest I'm attempting to sell at

What else can I declutter? Hmmm...I think I'll tackle the lower cabinets in the kitchen this late afternoon.

I've written out 95% of the Christmas cards (the rest will be given in person later) and mailed them out! It's nice to be ahead of the game right now. :) I'm still behind on Christmas presents, though. Hubby and I like to be done before Black Friday, but it hasn't happened this year. But, really I don't have much farther to go!


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