10 Random Things About Me

As they pop into my head, here goes:

1. I don't own Crocs and don't really plan on it, either.

2. I am very weak during pregnancy with bouts of strength (like moving and lifting 4 studded snow tires for my truck into the back of my truck!)

3. I want to live for a season in a travel trailer with my family.

4. I like to chicken scratch embroider, though I haven't done it in years.

5. I LOVE Indian food.

6. I am desperate for back and foot massages every day....and I never get them.

7. I want a whirlpool tub.

8. I've been watching reruns of the Addams Family.

9. I hope I'm having a girl.

10. I love vintage stationary.


Mimi said…
I love Indian food too.

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