My Noisy Credenza

Yep, that's apparently what my piano is, at least according to the piano tuner. He's a fine man who begged me not to put any more money into the piano and said if he ever comes across a good spinet, he'd give me a call. Apparently, what I have is, as I stated, a noisy credenza.

I'm not discouraged, or even embarrassed. I sat at my dining room table penning a letter when he completed tuning the piano, and then he played. My house, my little cottage, was filled with real, live piano music! I can check another dream off my list of dreams! To him it was rubbish. To me it was a dream come true! As he pulled out of the driveway, I sat at the piano and playing a simple rendition of the same stanzas of Pachelbel's Cannon in D, about the only thing I know how to play.

My 5 year old LOVES the piano. He'll sit at it for a good 45 minutes to an hour just plunking out his own little tunes and listening to all the notes and note combinations.


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