Full Blown Attack

Yesterday, the weather finally turned for the better and old man winter gave way to Spring! As soon as Baby boy went down for his nap, the older kiddos and I attacked the clean-up waiting for us beyond our storm doors. Well, my kiddos attacked the sand pile which is finally free of snow. My kitchen porch is clean and decluttered! Hubby is stringing up a new clothes line for me tomorrow! It'll be so nice to hang clothes on the line from the window of my kitchen porch again. I cleaned out the dog's run from a winter's worth of poop and old straw and lay out a new carpet of straw. I planted strawberries around an old stump using a newspaper barrier, compost from my heap, and a mulch of leaves and straw. I dug up horseradish and ground up nearly a quart of it!

Today, I cleaned the garage and cleaned off the bbq grill. It's all set for a season of grilling!

Next, I have huge amounts of yard work to do. Hubby's tackling what he can this weekend. I have the shed to clean out as much as possible. We're hoping to move it to a different spot in the yard this year and we're going to need the space since our garage down back collapsed in the snow and its contents need a new home until we can build a barn in its place.

And then there's the garden! I've got my order in for manure from the farmer next door. I'm hoping by Easter I can get my early crops in.


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