We just had a spring teaser. The weather reached into the 50's. Snow was melting at great speeds, and even grass we peeking out where we plowed over the yard. It was a pleasure to go outside and smell the muddy, early spring smell. You could practically hear the sap beginning to run in the trees. Naturally, my mind began racing towards my garden. Whether or not we're going to move, hubby agrees that we should still work on our gardens. We ordered a Crimson King maple tree, which is to be the crowning glory of our yard, planted near the little pond. I was able to open some windows in the house and air it out a little. It's starting to get that stale, winter, shut-up smell. I scanned the house and started thinking about spring cleaning. I plan on March being my spring cleaning month. I've never been successful at Spring cleaning, but every year I try. In the basement, as I tossed another load into the dryer because my clothes line space indoors is limited, I dec...