I don't believe in omens....

but I like the quirkiness of things that can be seen as omens. Here we are wondering whether or not we're going to be able to (or have to) move from New York State to Virginia. Along comes to my blog a lovely lady only a couple years younger than me, due to have a baby only 5 weeks before me, and who lives in Virginia...about an hour from where hubby and I are looking at a house!

The other day, I get a little postcard in the mail from one of my favorite magazines, Cottage Living. They've informed me that the magazine is no longer going to be published and that the remainder of my subscription will be filled by Southern Living!

I know neither are indicators as to whether or not we're moving, but it is neat the way things kind of add up and fall into place at times.


Anna said…
::::::Private Comment::::::

Hi Kate,

Virginia, eh? My husband and I are planning a move to the Roanoke area from Oklahoma in late May to late June. It is a return trip for me, since I lived there for several years. The mountains are stunningly gorgeous. Where in the state are you all thinking of moving?

Drop me a line: acory78@gmail.com

Mimi said…
Not omens, God moments.
Anonymous said…
I agree that's not an omen but God. Sometimes I think, when He chooses, He gives us those little things that make us totally aware of His presence and control over our lives.

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