Desperate Housewife and more...
I am a desperate housewife. I'm a housewife who's desperate to get her gardens in! Right now, my garden is covered in yard debris that needs to be burned. However, there's been a burn ban. When it rains, by the time the pile is dry, the burn ban is back in place!'s early to get the full garden in, but I could at least start peas and spinach. Bubby made it healthfully to a month old, and he's made it to his due date! Now I can stop treating him like a preterm and start treating him like a newborn. He's taken to it wonderfully. :) I am eager to get him in his nursery, though. Speaking of which, my brother will be moving out in a couple of weeks. Hubby and I hate to see him go, but he'll be done with his semester at college. Hubby wishes we could afford to put the second storey on the house now so my brother can move back in August. I wish the same thing, but we simply don't have enough equity in the house yet. There's a water...