Where's Spring?

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and there's hardly any snow on the ground. It looks like a lovely early spring day. Just open the door, though and you'll realize it's still winter. My neighbor's daughters looked like they were going on a polar expedition while waiting for the bus.

I did see my first robin of spring last Sunday, though. Unfortunately, it was dead in the road! If I believed in omens, I'd take that as one! LOL

I am 5 weeks, 6 days from my due date! Pregnancy is becoming quite cumbersome, but I have good days and bad days. It is nice to have the excuse to rest when I please, but I don't like to abuse the privaledge. My greatest desire to is putter in the yard, but not in this frigid weather!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all those who observe! Hubby and I are having bangers and mash for dinner. The corned beef is too expensive this year. We're not Irish, though. He's Scottish and Italian. I'm German, Polish, and Welsh with just a sprinkling of French and Native American. In other words, we're Americans! And yes, we've heard all the Scottish kilt jokes and all the Polish stupid jokes and all the German jokes and Italian mafia impressions. *roll eyes*

Oh, there's one thing left I MUST remember today!! I was quoting this for a while every day and it really gave me a boost and helped me appreciate the day. "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."



Ladyscott, thanks for the careful comment you left on the Genuine Profit blog. I appreciate your observations regarding modern-day neglect of the gifts of the Spirit and am glad to see that you are involved in a fellowship that encourages the proper, biblical use of these gifts.

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