Correction on a previous blog post
I do not expect my SIL to have her children call me Mrs. Scott. I'm Aunt Kate! However, my SIL is head of the nursery at my church and she introduces me to the other children as Miss Kate.
I really don't mind being called Kate by those who I am familiar with, but when I'm in a position of authority, I'd rather be called Mrs. Scott.
I really don't mind being called Kate by those who I am familiar with, but when I'm in a position of authority, I'd rather be called Mrs. Scott.
We homeschool, but our district (the same that my dh and I went to) has grown a lot, though still concidered the better district in the area. But they have gotten so big that they now have the jr. high and high school go earlier in the morning, and the youngers go about an hour later. Now the youngers don't ride the same bus as the olders. That has got to have helped!!
Kate IS a warm, loving person. As to her seeming angry, it is very easy to incorrectly assume that certain emotions are behind printed words because you cannot see the person's face or hear their voice inflections.
Keep up the good work, Mrs. Scott!! You are an inspiration!
Carry on, my good Lady Scott.