I never guessed it, but the signs are there. After all, I sleep at night. Not always through the night, but I sleep. I nap. I sit around most of the day. But, apparently, I may be suffering from exhaustion. No matter how much or little I sleep, there is little to no improvement. I'm constantly fatigued. Bone fatigued. My muscles ache all over. They feel very weak, too. Getting up is a great effort. Moving is slow. I feel short of breath and sometimes need to take a breath during a small sentence. My digestion is extremely sluggish and if I eat something that's not as simple as applesauce or yogurt, I feel worse. A smoothie and a small infant-size bowl of oatmeal yesterday had me so stuffed, I was sick most of the night waiting for it to digest. My blood pressure is normal. Baby is active and growing normally. I feel like I need a lot of fluids, some oxygen, and I need to just sleep. I wish I could spend just one night in a hospital getting these things, but I was ...