You're Probably Going to be Judgemental.

As I've been minimizing and decluttering, I'm noticing a psychological by-product occurring. I wouldn't quite call it being judgemental. Admittedly, that's a bit of a click-baity title, but what I mean is I notice and am more bothered by other people's clutter. Not that I think ill of them! No way! That would be being judgemental and wrongfully so! It's not the people or their circumstances. It's the stuff itself. And it isn't that it upsets or angers me. I'm not bothered in that way. I'm bothered in that I itch to declutter for them! To be honesty, I already clean for friends and family, but if I weren't such a shy violet when it came to confrontational things, I probably could make a good go at hiring myself out to help minimize and declutter! It is normal to notice and even get a bit anxious around other people's clutter. Ignore the clutter of those who are happy as they are and be willing to support those who are seeking help. And remember, what may be clutter to you is neatness to someone else.


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