2020 Goals: Moderation

When you've grown up and lived in the polar regions, you tend to see things in only black and white.

Experience has taught me that solutions come more with moderation than with polarization.

A lot of the problems we find ourselves polarized on in the USA, today, are hashed out in black and white, with no solution at the root.  We hyper-focus on hot-button topics and ignore the solvable issues.  For example, abortion isn't the disease.  It's the symptom.  Yet, we polarize the symptom.  

Red-herring and hot-button politics aside, my goal in 2020 is to be a more moderate person and to stop seeing things so polarized in my day-to-day life.

I do believe I will much more easily be able to solve problems and reduce stress by ceasing my all-or-nothing, black-or-white stand on things.

Polarization has done nothing for me but create battles and unsolved problems.


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