2020 Goals: Health and Hard Work

Life changes.

What was once ideal becomes unreal.

For most of 18 years I have been a stay-at-home wife and mother.  This suited me because I've always struggled with my health.

However, years of living on a single income with a decade of emergency after emergency racking up our debt has taken its toll.  Frankly, we're sick of the financial struggle.  The stress of financial burdens and worries is sickening in and of itself.

But, I need to be healthy to return to the workforce.
But, I also think that returning to the workforce will be good for my health.

Thankfully, after decades of research, I've figured out the main health issues:

Low Serotonin
Chronic Inflammation
Food intolerances

Gut health/Brain health stuff.

Simple diet, exercise, and supplementation solves it.

I'm ready!

I'm ready to work!


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