Menu Planning Made Easy For Me
Sometimes, I menu plan. When life is pretty normal and I can expect to make dinner every night on a regular basis, I try to menu plan. I tend to follow a pattern that helps streamline the dinner choices, especially if I plan for the whole month. Here's what I do and why:
Sunday: We at a my parents', so no dinner is planned.
Monday: Soup or Stew - Monday is a busy day for me, so it's easy to just toss a soup or stew in a crockpot.
Tuesday and Wednesday: I leave open for creativity or stand-by favorites. I like to try different ethnic dishes or peruse through my historical cookbooks.
Thursday: Pasta night - This is something my parents started and I thought it was a good night for pasta. I try to keep this the only day of the week we eat pasta.
Friday: Fish! Not for religious reasons, but I always liked the sound of "Fish on Fridays!"
Saturday: Pizza (or some derivative thereof) Sometimes, I'll allow hot dogs or hamburgers instead, or we'll do a calzone or stromboli.
Do you menu plan? Do you follow a pattern? Please share!
I stopped by from Raising Homemakers. I enjoyed reading your menu. Sound simialr to ours.