
Showing posts from March, 2017

Repotting Houseplants

The calendar says spring has arrived, but winter holds on tightly here. My ground is still frozen solid and snow covered. The wind blows damp and icy. The air is dry and arctic bitter cold. Houseplants make it all better, though. Green thumb therapy happens with the seasonal repotting.

Natural or Conventional Healing

It was bound to happen. With 4 children taking turns catching every bug that swarm around the classrooms, my poor immune system was bound to fall victim, even with diligence. With so many wonderful academic upsides to the children entering public school this year, this is one of the downfalls.  They have caught germs never caught before.  Strep throat, impetigo... Strep throat is the one that claimed me. I suspected as much and started hammering the germ with my natural remedies, as described in this letter to Mrs. Rothwood. I also researched Dr. Google on strep throat since we've never had it before.  Natural remedy articles are quick to demonize antibiotics and encourage sticking it out to build natural immunity. Conventional articles are quick to scare you with threats of worse diseases possible with untreated strep. I used to be fully intent on doing every crunchy thing possible when ill. I still am to some extent. But, I am no fool. And I ...