One Week Post Partum
I have to say that this has been the BEST post partum week I've ever had! What an amazing testimony of God's grace! First of all, hubby took the week off of work and it has been a tremendous blessing to have him here loving on his family and treating me like a queen. He worked hard with small children by his side and got my garden prepared for planting! I thought for sure I'd have to skip out on a garden this year, yet as I type, little plants are dancing in the breeze. As an added blessing, in perfect timing, our neighbor had to lime the field next door. He saw our garden tilled and sent over a dump load of manure! Personally, I feel great! I feel AMAZING! I have so much energy and focus! I cannot believe the night and day difference from how I felt during, and even before the pregnancy! I'm healing very well and very quickly. There are a few "kinks" in my system, such as my left hip keeps acting up on me. Thankfully...