Spring Cleaning has Begun!

I saw this old advertisement and just had to use it for this blog post! It's old-fashioned and my last name is Scott! For me, March is the perfect month to start spring cleaning. Winter likes to hold on throughout the month and any sign of spring means deep mud, both of which prevent me from doing outdoor work. Once the fine weather comes, the mud dries, and the ground thaws, my house gets neglected in favor of the outdoors. I have 7 small rooms to tackle, which gives me 7 weeks of spring cleaning: Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, Master Bedroom, Boys' Bedroom, Daughter's Room, and Bathroom. I started early over the last weekend of February. Last spring and summer I minimized and purged a LOT, but there were so many things I didn't go through, yet, or set aside, not ready to part with them. However, we're coming up on 9 months to a year of that stuff just sitting there, forgotten, right where I left it last year. Therefore, o...